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Presidents Message and Newsletters

President's Message

Dear Friends

The Religion of Spiritualism is not just a belief system; it is a way of life for those who follow it. It guides us to transcend the confines of narrow, self-imposed ignorance and embrace a higher state of enlightenment and wisdom. By doing so, we unlock the true essence of who we are and allow truth and wisdom to flourish in our lives.

In this evolving era, Spiritualists have the unique opportunity to navigate our human experiences and interactions with material existence while making a meaningful impact on the world. We are called to manifest our principles by advocating for social reform and addressing areas that are misaligned with the natural laws of the universe.

Silverbirch states:
“In all the moments of crisis, fix your minds upon the eternal things of the spirit. Do not dwell too much on the kingdom of empires and dominions but on the Kingdom of Heaven. Do not have excessive adoration for those who are only men. Remember the great tasks, the greater problems. Remember the masses who cry out, whose pain, bitterness and sorrow are far, far greater than the difficulties of only one. That is the greater lesson for all in your world of matter to learn.”

As I approach the conclusion of my third term as your President, I am filled with gratitude. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the governors of the SCC and to each of you, our dedicated members. Your unwavering commitment and efforts have been instrumental in advancing our collective journey and ensuring
the thriving future of the Religion of Spiritualism.

Rev Angie Morra

Our fall newsletters are available as an online flip newspaper for your reading pleasure. To view the newsletter online, enlarge the articles, and flip the pages like a real newspaper, please click on the following link: We hope you enjoy the experience!

Thank you to Stevie Martin for another fabulous creation!

Click on the pictures for the different Newsletter volumes in PDF Format.  

Articles submitted are subject to editing and/or may be used in part or whole by the Spiritualist Church of Canada newsletter. Not all articles submitted may be published. We are not responsible of any claim made by, for, or against contributors to the SCC newsletter. All articles must be submitted to:

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