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The following Member Churches are hosting Virtual Services. We have provided the Churches and their links. Enjoy and stay well!

Church of Universal Love

If you are interested in our On-Line Meditation or Divine Services, please email us on the link provided to the left.

Eternity Connection

If you are interested in our On-Line Divine Services, please connect with us on the link provided to the left.

London Spiritualist Church

If you are interested in our On-Line Divine Services, please email us on the link provided to the left and we will provide you with our Zoom ID and Passcode. Our Services are held on Thursdays from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM.

Orillia Star of Hope Spiritualist Church

If you are interested in our On-Line Divine Services, please email us on the link provided to the left and we will provide you with our Zoom ID and Passcode. Our Services are held on Sundays from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM.

Star of Hope Spiritualist Church Oshawa

If you are interested in our On-Line Divine Services, please email us on the link provided to the left and we will provide you with our Zoom ID and Password. 

The Spiritualist Society of Burlington

If you are interested in our On-Line Divine Services, please connect with us on the service link provided to the left. Services are at 11:00 AM Sunday's.

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